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:: Bibliografía general(11/03/04 )
ACITT (2002) Interactive Whiteboards - A luxury too far? Contents. Association for ICT in Education <>
ACITT (2002) Whiteboards review. Contents. Association for ICT in Education . Theyre not all that new, but they are big and clever. Are they the ultimate teaching tool or just a luxury that impresses Ofsted and the governors? We have a look at a variety of boards and discuss their pros and cons <>
ASHLEY, Nigel. (2004). Interactive Whiteboards in the Numeracy Hour. UK. Some finfings of this research are:
- Through this research it became apparent that an interactive whiteboard does not replace a good teacher.
- The quality of the software to use on an interactive whiteboard is not always up to the high standards needed. The priorities therefore are for the software companies to develop children's skills foremost.
BECTA (British Education Communication and Technology Agency) (2003). An exploration of the use of ICT at the Millennium Primary School, Greenwich. <>. This case study explores the effects that the investment in ICT had at Millennium Primary School and captures some of the key events that occurred. It provides information that will inform the school's future development and practice. The study also illustrates the potentially positive effects ICT can have on teaching, learning and management of UK schools; the combination of laptop computers and interactive whiteboards in particular made planning high-quality lessons in advance quicker and easier for teachers. The report also includes a survey where pupils strongly agree that "using the interactive whiteboard in lessons makes them more interesting."
BECTA (British Education Communication and Technology Agency) (2003). What the research says about interactive whiteboards. <>
This report is an analysis of current research about the use of interactive whiteboards in teaching and learning. It defines the interactive whiteboard, reviews key benefits for teachers and students and suggests criteria for effective use. This report also highlights interactive whiteboards in practice.
BECTA (2004). Identifying Effective Practice: Small-Scale Evaluations - Project 2a: Use of ICT by Leading Literacy Teachers. <>
. UK. Where an interactive whiteboard was used to model literacy processes, teachers felt that the impact on pupils' learning was greater.
BEELAND, William D. Beeland, Jr. Valdosta State University (2002). Student engagement, visual learning and technology: can interactive whiteboards help? <>
This research report summarizes findings of a middle-school survey and questionnaire given to 197 students on their attitudes towards interactive whiteboards. The survey and questionnaire results indicate a statistically-significant preference for the use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom - particularly for engaging and motivating students.
* BELL, Mary Anne, Baylor University (1998). Teachers' Perceptions Regarding the Use of the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard in Instruction.The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' use and perceptions regarding the interactive electronic whiteboard as an instructional tool. A 67-item survey was posted on the internet and completed by 30 participants. The questionnaire included 16 questions about demographic information and 60 Likert scale questions related to five hypotheses which predicted that teachers and students would offer favorable opinions about various aspects of its use. Respondents were whiteboard users familiar with the equipment, its uses, and its unique characteristics. The interactive and collaborative qualities of board use were regarded as important reasons for using the equipment. Outcomes indicated a high degree of user satisfaction with most aspects of the board and its use.
BELL, Mary Anne, Sam Houston State University (2002). Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard? A Bakers Dozen Reasons!. Teacher's Net Gazette, 3 (1) January
BLESA, José Antonio (2002). Aulas autosuficientes.<> [consulta 4/2002]. Uno de los centros pioneros en el uso de esta tecnología
BLESA, José Antonio (2002). Aulas Autosuficientes: primeros procesos de seguimiento y evaluación. <> [consulta 4/2002]
BERQUE, Dave, BONEBRIGHT, Terri, and WHITESELLl, Michael.2004). Using Pen-Based Computers Across the Computer Science Curriculum. <>
USA. DePauw University uses a Rear Projection SMART Board interactive whiteboard as part of its pen-based computing research.
BALL, Barbara (2003). "Teaching and learning mathematics whit an interactive whiteboard". Micromath
BUSH, Nigel; PRIEST, Jonathan; COE, Robert, (2004). An Exploration of the Use of ICT at the Millennium Primary School, Greenwich. UK. <> Although unnamed, there are images of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard in this report. The authors conclude, "In particular, ICT was used to enhance the teaching of literacy and numeracy, with the interactive whiteboard playing a key role. Furthermore, the combination of the interactive whiteboard and the laptop computer was seen as particularly effective in reducing the time needed to prepare some lessons.
CARTER, A. (2002). Using interactive whiteboard with deaf children. <>
CHALMERS, Mick (2004).Innovations Project 2004. (Forthcoming) <> Between 2001 - 2003 the Innovations Online Project involved over 40 schools in projects which showcased and researched the transformative use of ICT in Teaching and Learning. The Innovations Showcase website provides information about projects undertaken by those schools and colleges. The Innovations Project is taking a new form in 2004. The project will focus on three specific areas:
- Virtual Learning Environments particularly the use of electronic whiteboards in teaching and learning
- Digital Personal Portfolios for students
- The use of hand-held technologies in teaching and learning.
Support will be provided to a number of schools, colleges and clusters that express an interest in participating in research projects or trials in these areas..Further details are available from Mick Chalmers - <>
CLEMENS, Anne; MOORE,Traci; NELSON, Brian, Mueller Elementary School. (2001). Math Intervention "SMART" Project: Student Mathematical Analysis and Reasoning with Technology. This study compared the pretest and posttest scores of students in Ms. Moore's first grade class. At the beginning of the year, 32 percent of Ms. Moore's class correctly answered the pretest coin value question and 27 percent correctly answered the pretest coin combination question. After working with the SMART Board interactive whiteboard on money value and combinations, 95 percent of the students scored a correct answer for coin value on the posttest and 75 percent correctly answered the coin combination posttest question. The control group scored 76 percent on the coin value posttest and 41 percent on the coin combination posttest. The study concludes that the "SMART Board interactive whiteboard used as a tool, in combination with effective teaching strategy, brought about dramatic results."
COX, Margaret; ABBOTT, Chris; WEBB, Mary, et. al. (2003). ICT and Pedagogy: a Review of the Research Literature.<>
Studies show that the most effective uses of ICT are those in which the teacher and the software can challenge pupils understanding and thinking, either through whole-class discussions using an interactive whiteboard or through individual or paired work on a computer. Using ICT with pupils in pairs, groups or with a whole class, through, for example, the use of an interactive whiteboard, enables teachers to gather extensive feedback from pupils by listening to their explanations. From this, teachers are able to gain deeper insights into pupils understanding and progress.
COX, Margaret; WEEB, Mary; ABBOTT, Chris, et. al. (2004) An Investigation of the Research Evidence Relating to ICT Pedagogy. <>
CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL CÔTES D'ARMOR. Les cartables numeriques et Cartable Numérique pour enfants malades <;2715>
CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL DE SAVOIE. Déploiement du cartable électronique. <>
CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL DES LANDES. Un collegien, un portable.Contacto: <>. Depuis la rentrée scolaire de septembre 2002, tous les élèves et enseignants des classes de 3e des collèges publics landais sont équipés d'ordinateurs portables (32 colegios, 4000 ordenadores) y todos sus profesores (1200 ordenadores). Cada centro ha recibido una media de 4 pizarras digitales y 4 proyectores. ; ; y
CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL D'ISÈRE. Le cartable numérique isérois. Expérimentation de cartable numérique dans six collèges pilotes isérois. Il s'agit d'offrir aux collégiens isérois et à leurs familles un outil pédagogique leur permettant de se familiariser avec les techniques du multimédia
CUNNINGHAM, Mark; KERRr, Kirstin; McEUNE, Rhona. (2004). Laptops for Teachers. >>
Becta released a report reviewing the Laptops for Teachers initiative (LfT), which was launched by the Department for Education and Skills in Spring 2002. According to this report, teachers were motivated to use ICT in their teaching when interactive whiteboards were used as a teaching resource. Teachers also felt that they were gaining maximum impact from their laptops when used in conjunction with interactive whiteboards. There is a mention of eBeam on page 14.
DE GROOT, Marjon (2002). Multimedia Projectors: A Key Component in the Classroom of the Future. < > [consulta 6/2002] Investigación realizada en Estados Unidos en la que se obtuvieron resultados que avalan los planteamientos de este estudio: proporciona refuerzos visuales que facilitan la comprensión, induce métodos pedagógicos alternativos a los tradicionales, facilita el trabajo del profesorado, permite aprovechar la infinidad de recursos de interés educativo disponibles en Internet, aumenta la motivación e interés de los estudiantes, resulta útil en cualquier área del currículum... / Investigació realitzada als Estats Units en la que es van obtenir resultats que avalen els plantejaments d'aquest estudi: proporciona reforços visuals que faciliten la comprensió,
indueix mètodes pedagògics alternatius als tradicionals, facilita el treballs del professorat, permet aprofitar l'infinitat de recursos d'interès educatiu disponibles a Internet, augmenta la motivació i l'interès dels estudiants, resulta útil a qualsevolá àrea del currículum...
EDCOMPASS (2004). An online community for educators using SMART products. [consulta 2/2004] Case Studies, Learning Resources (lesson Activities, Software Resources, Web Resources...), Professinal Development, Bulletin Board...
GAYNER, Henry (2004).How the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology can Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Balanced Science at GCSE. UK. The researcher found that the use of interactive whiteboards does enhance teaching and learning including greater student participation. The ability to write notes on the board, which can be saved and returned to, is something the students [found] extremely helpful.
GREEN, Douglas W.; O'BRIEN, Thomas (2002). The Internet's impact on teacher Practice and Classroom Culture. <> [consulta 3/2003] Estudio focalizado en dos preguntas: ¿El uso de Internet conlleva unas prácticas docentes más acordes con el constructivismo? ¿En qué otros aspectos de la vida de la clase incide el uso de Internet por los estudiantes como fuente de información cuando realizan sus proyectos? / Estudi que focalitza en dos preguntes: L'ús d'Internet indueix unes pràctiques docents més d'acord amb el constructivisme? En quins altres aspectes de la vida de la classe incideix l'ús d'Internet per part dels estudiants com a font d'informació quan realitzen els seus projectes?
HORSBOROUGH, Sarah.(2004) Effectiveness of Interactive Whiteboards in Improving Writing Skills. UK. Some finding of the research are:
- The pace of lessons is dramatically increased through the use of tools such as SMART note book.
- The whole text editing process is greatly enhanced through the interactiveness of the board which, coupled with the use of children's own work scanned as a resource, enhances the effect even further.
LEE, Mal; BOYLE, Maureen (2003). The Educational Effects and Implications of the Interactive Whiteboard Strategy of Richardson Primary School: a Brief Review. <>
[consulta 3/2004]. Australia. Peter Kent, Deputy Principal at Richardson Primary, has three papers forthcoming on the SMART Board interactive whiteboard at Richardson Primary School.
LEDUFF, Rhonda 2004).Enhancing Biology Instruction via Multimedia Presentations.Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2004: 4693-5. USA. Incorporating interactive whiteboards had several positive outcomes.
- Increases student participation and their responsibility for learning.
- The students are more attentive and willing to yield input.
- For classrooms where the number of computers is limited, the use of interactive whiteboards is incredible. When students are asked to come up and solve problems or demonstrate a skill, their work can be saved and printed so that they may take ownership of their accomplishments.
MAJÓ CRUZATE , Joan; MARQUÈS GRAELLS, Pere (2002). La revolución educativa en la era Internet. Barcelona: CissPraxis <> [consulta 4/2002]
MARQUÈS GRAELLS, Pere (2002). La pizarra digital en los contextos educativos. <> [consulta 4/2002]
MARQUÈS GRAELLS, Pere (2002). La magia de la pizarra electrónica. Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía, nº 180. [consulta 4/2003]
MARQUÈS GRAELLS, Pere; CASALS BOSCH, Pilar (2002). La pizarra digital en el aula de clase, una de las tres bases tecnológicas de la escuela del futuro. Revista Fuentes, Universidad de Sevilla. [consulta 4/2003]
MARQUÈS GRAELLS, Pere; CASALS BOSCH, Pilar; BLESA, José Antonio (2003) La pizarra digital en el aula: una investigación en marcha. Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía, núm. 185, pag. 23-29. ISSN: 1136-7733 [consulta 4/2003]
Mc. NEESE, Mary Nell, Ph.D., Department of Educational Leadership and Research, University of Southern Mississippi (2003). Acquisition and Integration of SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Skills: Gender Differences Among College Faculty, Staff and Graduate Assistants.
This study examined whether gender differences exist among college faculty, staff and graduate students in terms of participation in and the acquisition of SMART Board interactive whiteboard skills gained from attending SMART Board interactive whiteboard training sessions. It concluded that "there were no differences between the genders in terms of comfort level, instruction given in the training sessions, and the desire to use the SMART Board interactive whiteboard in the future." This study counters popularly-held belief that female educators are less likely to use and adopt technology and shows SMART Board interactive whiteboards to be accessible to both female and male educators.
MERRELL, Sara.(2004). Investigating the Effectiveness of the Interactive Whiteboards in the Promotion of Mathematical Thinking. UK. Some findings of this research are:
- The interactive whiteboard motivated the students to get more involved in the lesson.
- To see the examples of geometric shapes in a clear and comprehensible way has benefited the understanding of the students.
MONTOYA LOZANO, Dionisio Jesús (2005). La pìzarra digital en el aula bilingüe del primer ciclo de primaria. Revista DIM, núm. 1
OFFICE FOR STANDARDS IN EDUCATION (2004) (Ofsted). ICT in Schools - the Impact of Government Initiatives Five Years On. <> All the reports indicate that interactive whiteboards enhance the quality of teaching and learning:
- Teachers make effective use of interactive whiteboards to engage pupils by utilising large and colourful text, shapes, data, illustrations and animation, including the use of digital video and other materials from the internet. These images can help to bridge the gap between concrete and the abstract ideas.
- When their use is well planned, interactive whiteboards can improve the pace of lessons, and thus the amount of work done.
- The flexibility and visual power of the interactive whiteboard can often engage lower-attaining pupils and encourage better concentration. [Image of ACTIVboard]
PASSEY, Don, ROGERS, Colin, and MACHELI, Joan (2004). The Motivation Effect of ICT on Pupils. UK.
- The resources that pupils reported helping them the most were internet resources (largely for research purposes), writing and publishing software (for writing purposes mainly), interactive whiteboards (on every occasion where these were present in the school), and presentational software (often linked to use of interactive whiteboards).
- Where used effectively, both teachers and pupils reported that the use of interactive whiteboards was motivating. The features that led to motivational impact were concerned with presentational devices (allowing items to be flashed up, or items to be completed), annotation effects, and direct interaction through touch.
PAULO SANTOS, José (2004). Adeus ao quatro preto. Ágora núm 7 <>
PROMETHEAN. Interactive whiteboards change teaching and learning approaches. <> ;
< > [consulta 6/2002]
RUIZ TARRAGÓ, Ferran (1999) "Internet a l'aula", Revista de Física, volum 2, núm. 7, 2n semestre 1999, Societat Catalana de Física, Barcelona. ISSN: 1131-5326.
RUIZ TARRAGÓ, Ferran (2000) "Internet in the classroom and at home: the bridging role of publishers", Proceedings of The Internet Global Summit INET2000, Yokohama, Japan. ISBN: 1-891562-09-6.<>
SALA, Ramon (2002). La implantació de la pissarra electrònica a l'escola. <> [consulta 4/2002]. Informe sobre el uso de la pizarra digital en uno de los centros con mayor tradición de innovación pedagógica de nuestro país / Informe sobre l'ús de la pissarra digital en un dels centres amb més tradició d'innovació pedagògica del nostre país.
SALA, Ramon (2002). La pizarra electrónica, dos experiencia y su contexto. Actas del III Encuentro de Inspectores de Educación. Barcelona . [consulta 4/2003]
SIERRA, Josi (2003). Una sencilla pizarra de plástico (ver
). Publicado en el portal digital Berriak Incluye VÍDEO en <> [consulta 1/2004]
* SMART TECHNOLOGIES (2004) Interactive Whiteboards and Learning. A reviewv of Classroom Case Sstudies and Research Literature.
< White Paper.pdf>
* SMITH, A (1999). Interactive whiteboard evaluation. MirandaNet.
* SMITH, Helen Smith, NGfL, Kent (National Grid for Learning) (2003).SmartBoard evaluation: 2001 This report concludes that the interactive whiteboard is an effective medium in a teacher-led whole class learning environment and for reviewing lessons, used most effectively in literacy and mathematics. They also found it useful for teacher-led group work and that the children responded with enthusiasm.
SOLVIE, Pamela A. (2004). The Digital Whiteboard: a Tool in Early Literacy Instruction Reading Teacher 57.5 (February 2004): 484-7. [consulta 3/2004] The author outlines her experiences using a SMART Board interactive whiteboard and gave suggestions on how a SMART Board interactive whiteboard can be used for early literacy instruction. Note that Solvie has undertaken research with the SMARTer Kids Foundation.
VITOLO, Theresa M., Ph.D, Gannon University (2003). The Importance of the Path Not Taken: The Value of Sharing Process as Well as Product.
This evaluation explored the quality of analysis in student diagramming between experimental groups and control groups with the SMART Board interactive whiteboard (and Notebook software) being the main variable in the study. The students in the experimental group produced analyses with greater semantic congruency, greater comparable number of elements to the analysis, and less structural congruency between the diagrammer's and their other members' diagrams. Vitolo's work "supports the hypothesis that a higher-semantic quality of analysis can be fostered in others when layers of the analysis are available during training," and that technology like the SMART Board interactive whiteboard can help foster analytical creativity among students.
WATSON, Kathryn.(2004) Interactive Whiteboards and Thinking Skills in Mathematics. UK. The researcher used a SMART Board interactive whiteboard to develop thinking skills in mathematics. Some findings of the reseach are:
- Incorporating the ICT element undoubtedly provided a shortcut to pupil's motivation and interest, particularly those with special educational needs.
- The technology empowered the group and was a great motivational factor in their learning.
- In the Numeracy lesson, the Smartboard exemplified the best teaching and learning experiences I could hope for.
WHITTAKER, Simon.(2004). In-Service and Pre-Service Teacher Using Today's Tools to Help Students Meet Content Learning Objectives. USA. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2004: 1468-73. Nettleton School District uses SMART Board interactive whiteboards as part of its two-year technology integration project. "The kindergarten teacher noted that in addition to increases in student achievement, student motivation and self-confidence also improved."
WILSON, Cindy K.; JONES, Susan L.; HALL, John M. (2003). Aulas con un solo computador. Proyección del conocimiento . <> Revista Eduteka. [consulta 1/2004]
:: Experiencias de uso de las PDI Promethean
Georgia School District.pdf
Washington State chooses ACTIVboard.pdf
Wayne County School System USA.pdf